Friday, August 15, 2008

Pick and Roll

Every day at the playgrounds we see the best of the pick and roll offense. When done right this is the formidable play of all times. We are talking about the most elementary play of basketball. This basic rule was the one set the hearts of Americans on fire at the past World Championships in the hands of Greece.

I understand that those athletes that understand and implement the basics of the game are usually the ones who get picked for the national teams. These players have an exceptional intelligence of the sport. Their talent is what make them the superstars of the game. Even when they practice on their own, they focus on the basics.

The basics are also important in the business of the sport. A good friend of mine told me how he was being taught the most basic things in his accountancy class at university. It was the stuff he does everyday in his quest to become a business man. The elementary way of promoting basketball is crucial. There are no short cuts to the success of basketball. The leaders must stick to the basic principles of the sport and everything will follow.

Back to the Americans, they went back to the drawing board and selected players who would play for what is written at the front of their apparel. It seems like the Beijing Olympics will be great for them. Whilst at the back is their names written, the front is for their country. This focused mind of doing things for the country is a great motivator. It is about carrying the hopes of million other people on your shoulders. They count on you to represent and play with excellence.

It is important for the authorities of basketball to focus their minds on the number of people they represent. They are carrying the dreams and hopes of all South Africans that love the sport of basketball. It is critical for them to make a decision and implement a different tune in the game. A tune that will bring smiles to the people of South Africa.

Our leaders should consider humility as a winning attitude. They will realise this by making friends with their peers in other sporting codes seeking advise of success. It is also important to befriend corporate leaders and ask them exactly what they need with regards to sponsorships.
It will be difficult to befriend but easy to become a social butterfly. It should not be a problem to buy a grand seat at functions such as Marketing Excellence Awards and pick one decision maker to establish a relationship with. If they are on the defensive, roll all over them with assistance of others leaders in sports. Your feet should always be in a triple threat mode so that it enables quick reaction. Speed in business is critical. So does speed in basketball.

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